Monday 13 August 2012


The  insecurity makes the general public feels uneasy and  that this situation needs to be improved. While the authorities claimed that the crime rate has taken a dip by 10.1 % but this has little bearing on the perception of the general public as far as  crime is concerned. As a matter of fact, how the general public feels remains the pertinent factor.After all statistics can be subjected to  manipulation.

Well, just read the  local papers especially two prominent Malay papers and look at their crime reports.Their reports on crime flashed daily certainly give reasons for anyone to feel uneasy and. Of course there are certain crimes that cannot be prevented but most of the daily crimes reported can and they kept repeating time and again despite the ceaseless efforts of crime prevention. 

The Royal Malaysia Police are always there for crime prevention.In spite of this there are still people  who  fall victim to certain crimes. While greater emphasis is being placed on Resident Associations and the general public in the fight against crime and the relentless efforts made via the electronic media, it seems like the advices , at times, just went unheeded. Now, this might sound rather dumb but worth the try.Why not  start crime prevention from basic and this means getting started from the schools. I believe they still have Crime Prevention Clubs in schools hopefully.Make crime prevention  a topic in class as an aspiration of the club.

On this Ministry of Home Affairs can work with the Education Ministry and make crime prevention a daily topic for discussion with nothing else in mind but to inculcate that certain crimes can be prevented and the students need to have the knowledge on the modus operandi, what mistakes were made and how it can be prevented.  A teacher in each class just needs to select a suitable crime reported in the newspapers and discuss this crime with his or her class making them understand how the crime was committed, why it happened and how to prevent such crimes. There is a need to prepare the students at a young age as they will  eventually better understand crime and the measures to prevent it.

It is also our aspirations that when they leave school they are at least aware of the situation. It's rather  frustrating to learn about people falling victims to some ridiculous scam.

A 30 minutes  session a day in class would suffice and teachers can expose the pupils to the relevant laws connected with such crimes. The Royal Malaysia Police can guide and enhance the teacher's knowledge crime prevention and maybe too become a criminalogist.
Hopefully, the system of attaching an officer to a school in the police district is still in place.These officers can play a more effective role in the Crime Prevention Club program. Can we give it a try, after all there is nothing to lose and this can also be considered a process of target hardening.Be alert against the perpetrators. Schools are reportedly embarking to exposing the social dangers of Facebook to students and so why not inter alia include crime prevention as well.

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